10804 McConnell Rd, Woodstock, IL 60098

(815) 337-5563





Grade - Gaited




29 Years


15 HH

About Tanna

As of 2025, Tanna is 29 years young. She is a beautiful black gaited grade mare. You had better not tell Tanna she is a senior because she does not believe it! She is very active and can frequently be seen running and playing with her pasture mates. Tanna is broke to ride, however, she has had the last three years off following her career as a livery horse. As we've gotten her back under saddle, she has shown us that not only she is willing to work, but eager! Though she is eager, due to her age, she is best suited for light arena riding or the occasional trail ride.

Tanna came to HAHS from an abuse and neglect investigation where she was starved, but has since gained and maintained weight nicely. As most older horses, she does require some daily maintenance medications to help her along. She currently receives daily Equioxx (arthritis) & Prascend (Cushing's) She does have some limited vision in one of her eyes due to glaucoma, which does not currently affect her daily life. Due to her limited vision, she can be a little shy until she gets to know and trust you. She handles well on the ground and under saddle, and can be housed in a pasture or stall!

Interested in adopting Tanna?

If you are interested in adopting this animal, please fill out our adoption application online.

Not ready to adopt? Consider sponsoring this animal to help provide the care they need while they await their new forever home

The Adoption Process

If you are interested in fostering or adopting a horse or hooved animal, please read the criteria and fill out an application.

We will follow up as quickly as possible to answer your questions and schedule a time for you to meet the animal. As part of the adoption process, we run a background check and follow up on vet and farrier references (if applicable).