10804 McConnell Rd, Woodstock, IL 60098

(815) 337-5563


Sign Up To Be An Investigator

Advocating for animal welfare.

HAHS also acts as an advocate, or voice, of the hooved animal by supporting legislation in our state, other states, and on a federal level protecting the welfare of hooved animals. HAHS was instrumental in the passage of the original Illinois Humane Care for Animals Act in 1973.

Become an investigator.

Approved Humane Investigators investigate complaints of animal neglect called into the HAHS office.

If you think you, or someone you know, have what it takes to become a Humane Investigator, please contact us.

Investigators must live in Illinois, be 21 years old or older, have a minimum of 4 years of experience with horses, and provide a letter of recommendation from their veterinarian and non-relative, attesting their experience with horses. Investigators must pass a background check and the Investigator Exam held in the late fall by the Illinois Department of Agriculture.

HAHS holds an annual prep course for the Licensed Animal Investigator Exam every fall.

Please contact HAHS before the end of the summer to be put on a mailing list for more information.

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