10804 McConnell Rd, Woodstock, IL 60098

(815) 337-5563



Pippi Longstocking






20 years


Animal Ambassador

About Pippi Longstocking

As of 2025, Pippi Longstocking is 20 years old and stands 14.3H. Pippi bonds well with people and other horses. She loves to be groomed and loved on and would make a great companion. Pippi is is looking for an Adopt-A-Hoof sponsor that will help her further her ambassador duties. Pippi is trained in natural horsemanship. Her main duty at the rescue is to be Mosey's seeing eye horse.

Interested in sponsoring Pippi Longstocking?

This animal is an Animal Ambassador at the Hooved Animal Humane Society. While they are not currently available for adoption, they appreciates your sponsorship. Sponsoring or 'virtually adopting' a hooved animal at HAHS helps provide the care they need while they fulfill their roles at the society. Your sponsorship contributes to veterinary care, farrier care, grain, hay, medications, supplements, and more

Looking for an adoptable animal?
Check our our hooved friends below!