10804 McConnell Rd, Woodstock, IL 60098

(815) 337-5563



The Hooved Animal Humane Society (HAHS) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization founded in 1971 by concerned and committed citizens. HAHS’s vision is a world where no hooved animal experiences abuse and neglect. The mission is to promote the humane treatment of hooved animals through education, legislation, investigation, and, if necessary, legal intervention (impoundment). In addition, we provide physical rehabilitation to animals that have endured severe neglect and abuse and adopt them out to loving forever homes.


HAHS also acts as the hooved animal’s advocate or voice. We do this by supporting legislation in our state, other states, and on a federal level that protects the welfare of hooved animals. HAHS was instrumental in the passage of the original Illinois Humane Care for Animals Act in 1973.


One of our key objectives is to focus on education to prevent abuse and neglect of hooved animals. Great strides have been made toward this goal, especially since 1995, when our Educational Center was completed. The Center has become a place where people can learn firsthand how to care for hooved animals properly. We regularly host seminars with equine professionals such as veterinarians, farriers, attorneys, and resistance-free trainers.

Because HAHS believes education is the key to preventing abuse and neglect of hooved animals, we also share educational information with the help of our state-licensed equine investigators. The investigators work with owners to help them understand how to provide for an animal’s needs.

Below are additional ways we provide education:


HAHS was the first humane society established in the United States to focus specifically on large animals, primarily horses. Unlike small animals (dogs and cats), hooved animals had little representation until the Hooved Animal Humane Society was formed. In 1973, HAHS was the driving force behind the passage of “The Humane Care for Animals Act.” Through the Illinois Department of Agriculture, this Act gives HAHS the legal authority to investigate claims of abuse and neglect and intervene when owners do not comply with a notice to remedy a situation. The Illinois Humane Care for Animals Act is recognized as the legislative model for other states when drafting similar laws.

Since the organization was founded over 50 years ago, it has responded to thousands of calls requesting investigations of facilities housing horses in dire need of help. With the assistance and expertise of volunteer state-licensed investigators, we can respond to calls within a short period of time. HAHS provides hundreds of referrals throughout the United States each month.

With the 1996 release of the powerful expose “Big Lick Walking Horses,” HAHS has raised awareness of the unacceptable methods some trainers use in the Tennessee Walking Horse Industry. In addition, HAHS’s involvement in the controversy surrounding the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Wild Horse and Burro population control methods dates back to 1987. We have continued to offer alternative methods to control and protect the living monument.